Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday, July 16, 2018

Bed Bug Exterminator in Avondale, Arizona

Finding a bed bug exterminator in Avondale, Arizona

There are so many theories about bed bugs that bed bug exterminators spend more time correcting theories than they do treating for these pests. Finding a bed bug exterminator or the right one can be just as hard for the homeowner. Why is it so hard? Mainly because so many pest control companies treat them differently. Some treat with heat which gets to above the temp the pests an survive at, but then there are the dangers where people have reported damage to home from heat. There are chemical treatments to the furniture and bed, but you run the risk of homeowners not following the correct steps for laundry. Success with treating bed bugs is dependent upon specific steps being followed in the correct order. If you are looking for a bed bug exterminator the best thing you can do is call a local trustworthy pest control company and ask a lot of questions. If you do not feel they are educating you then you have found the wrong company.

Victoria’s Secret model sues for being bitten by bed bugs at hotel

Fox News reported Sabrina Jales St. Pierre is suing the Palm Desert Embassy Suites. The model has provided many photos of her bites. The hotel manager of Embassy Suites Palm Desert by Hilton says the staff as well as a pest control company checked the room for bed bugs and found none. This one is for sure going to play out in court for a while. Could be interesting. But we do recommend to all our clients that they check under the sheets by checking the seams on the mattress when they check in. Look for bugs that look like apple seeds hidden in the seam of the mattress.

If you have any questions regarding bed bugs or need an inspection in your home call us at 623-300-1342.

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Best Pest Control Avondale 2018

Best Exterminator Avondale 2018

Let’s be honest most people do not know someone when it comes to pest control, right? We all seem to have a friend who works on cars or knows someone that works on cars. It seems like we all have a friend who knows a great person you should have cut your hair. And we all know the best places to eat in Avondale, Arizona. Truly Phoenix, Arizona is one of the best places to find great restaurants, but I digress.

Why is it that it is so hard to share about pest control? Have we created an idea that having pests means you are dirty? From someone in the pest control industry that is the furthest thing from the truth. Having bugs or pests is 90% about location. Most of the exterminator calls we receive about bugs like scorpions, roaches, rodents, bees, termites, and more have to do with we as humans have built homes in habitat areas for these creatures. Understanding that you have chosen to protect your home with pest control service is what people need to understand.

Finding the best pest control service

Sure we give out awards for the best pest control service, but most of that is based on who’s name is most recognizable in marketing. But how do you know if you have found the best pest control company in Phoenix or Avondale, Arizona? First off is response time. How soon can they get to your problem? Do you want to wait a day or a week? Secondly do they do background checks on their staff? You are trusting a complete stranger in your home. It would be nice to know they are safe and trustworthy. Third thing is how about their callback rating? Do they have to come back out and retreat a lot of homes. You want to find a company that has a treatment plan that is successful the first time. Fourth thing is doest the company have a warranty? Do they stand behind the chemicals and treatment for a specific amount of time?

Make sure you understand everything they are saying, if you do not make sure you stop and ask them to explain it. How safe is the treatment for you and your family or pets? As we think through these questions realize that just because they can come out soon does not mean they are the best if it takes them multiple trips.

Rodent treatment in Avondale, Arizona

Just a quick note that it is that time of year where the temps cool just slightly and the rodents are looking to come in. We see a lot of pest control phone calls about mice getting inside homes this time of year. Some times these are not your normal residential mouse and you might be dealing with deer mice. These are harder to remove and require professional mice bait. A professional pest control company can help you determine what rodent pest you might have. The correct treatment plan will remove them faster. Call us today at 623-300-1342.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

5 best restaurants in Avondale

Best places to eat in Avondale

These great restaurants are just our personal opinions from local residents. We are not paid to write or recommend any of these food joints. These are just our recommendations on places to eat as a local pest control company in the Phoenix and Avondale area.

Best pest control in Avondale

If you enjoy some of our recommendations or posts, we have a resources page full of local recommendations. We also provide free educational materials to the local residents here in our resources journal regarding pest control. If you would like to learn more about protecting your home or residential pest control services go here.

The post 5 best restaurants in Avondale appeared first on Pro Pest Control Avondale.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

5 best places to eat in Avondale

5 best places to eat in Avondale

Residents are always asking where are the best places to eat in Avondale, AZ. Don’t take the articles written by newspapers who sell ads purchased by these restaurants. Take a local resident’s opinion and this is NOT a paid advertisement from any of these restaurants. In fact I have personally never met any of these business owners.

Rudy’s Country Store and Bar-B-Q

A restaurant from Texas that came to Phoenix with their famous BBQ. Sure it isn’t the local restaurant that we like, but who doesn’t like amazing barbecue? The interior has a very Texas feel with the galvanized metal and wood everywhere. The interior flare immediately puts you in the mood for some good pulled pork smothered in BBQ sauce. There are a couple of these locations in the Phoenix area, but we are thrilled to have one here in the Avondale, AZ area.

Fiesta Mexicana

Everyone loves some good Mexican Food. As far as best places to eat in Avondale, AZ this restaurant definitely makes the top 5. Decor is great to put you in the mood and the service is quick. If you are a fan of Mexican steak then you will want to try out their sirloin. Your mouth will be watering just looking at the picture of this entree. For salad lovers you will want to try the avocado salad, the flavor is amazing. Don’t miss this great restaurant.

Wigwam restaurant (Litchfield’s)

A wonderful upscale dinning experience with a “farm to table” menu. All foods from local growers and produced locally. The restaurant has it’s own farmers market and organic chefs kitchen. The resort also has a more casual dinning experience in Litchfield’s patio. The food has just the same quality and amazing taste. The food is really a piece of art in itself. The variety is so vast that one could eat here for days. You cannot go wrong on anything you pick here.

Zeta’s Grill

Expand your culinary pallet with Zeta’s Grill our top 5 best places to eat in Avondale, AZ. This restaurant’s menu of Lebanese and Mediterranean cuisine. Okay we will get to the food, but let me stop and say you should order dessert first. Why wait until the end when you are full and do not have room for their amazing desserts and pastries. The whole menu is like an exploration with fruity drinks and different types of sauces the foods are cooked in. Want one more better thing about this amazing restaurant is that they deliver.

Flavor’s of Louisiana

A quicker in and out restaurant with wonderful souther Louisiana cooking. You might find a few deep fried items… wait who am I kidding everything is deep fried and delicious. Cajun, gumbo, sandwiches, onion rings, Jambalaya, and plenty of fish. This is a must stop if you are looking for a quick fun meal.

Pest Control in Avondale, AZ

Thanks for taking time to read our opinion on best places to eat in Avondale, AZ. There are so many places to eat if you have any recommendations we haven’t tried feel free to send them over to us. We would love to try out even more places that you enjoy. We here at Pro Pest Control Avondale have been honored to be your local pest control provider. Thank you for the awards and honors given to us by this great city. We look forward to giving back to the community even more this year. For your pest control needs go here.

The post 5 best places to eat in Avondale appeared first on Pro Pest Control Avondale.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

5 Best ways to kill Bed Bugs

Best ways to kill Bed Bugs

5 best ways to kill bed bugsBed Bugs have become an epidemic lately and for many different reasons. We receive many phone calls for Bed Bug treatments each day in Avondale, AZ. Most people want to know the best ways to kill Bed Bugs. The amount of homes with bed bug infestations keeps growing because in many cases people don’t know they have a problem. With such a mosquito problem in Phoenix, AZ most people think the bed bug bite is just a mosquito bite. It isn’t until a week late they have a rash or allergic reaction that they begin to investigate. We have compiled a great prep sheet about how to prep your home for bed bug treatment. Our sheet goes over all the details of cleaning your home for bed bug treatment. But, we are going to give you the top 5 ways to best kill bed bugs.

Signs and symptoms of bed bugs

Pro Pest Control Avondale

Finding out you have bed bugs usually comes about by signs on your skin.

  • Red itchy rash on your body
  • Red bumps that itch on your skin
  • Small blisters that are fluid filled
  • A skin infection where the bacteria has entered the skin

Bed Bug home remedies

  1. Vacuum cleaner— A vacuum does a great job sucking up the bed bugs and their eggs. These tiny bugs are smaller than your pinky finger nail. So while you are vacuuming the mattress make sure you get into every seam. Bed bugs can also hid in box springs and other furnishings in the room so you will want to vacuum them out as well.
  2. Heat— Heat can kill the eggs and bed bugs. Many pest control companies have began using heat treatments. If not done properly these heat treatment machines can damage the home. But heat will draw out the bugs. If you are doing a DIY bed bug treatment you will want to use a hot hair dryer on the bed while using your vacuum cleaner. Also wash your bedding, sheets, pillows, and blankets in the hottest wash you can to kill the bed bugs.
  3. Freeze— Bed bugs cannot live through frozen temperatures. If you have small enough items like throw pillows or clothing you can place them in the freezer to kill the bed bugs.
  4. Seal your bed— There are bags your mattress and box springs can be sealed in. This keeps bed bugs from having a place to go to live as well as they cannot get out. A perfect defense for your bed from bed bugs.
  5. Natural Bed Bug Treatment— There have been some tests with natural pest remedies. Tea tree oil is the best natural pesticide remedy. Put 20 drops of Tea Tree oil in spray bottle with water. Lavender oil with peppermint oil is another great natural bed bug killer. Put 10 drops lavender oil and 10 drops peppermint oil and mix with water in a spray bottle to spray your bed down with. These natural treatments take more time and solution than regular pest control chemicals. The bed will need to be sprayed down daily to fight off the bed bugs until no more bugs are spotted. Rubbing alcohol will kill bed bugs if sprayed directly on them, but with the evaporation it doesn’t last long enough to kill ones not sprayed directly.

Best ways to kill bed bugs

Preventing Bed Bugs

  • When traveling you want to make sure you vacuum out your luggage upon arrival and wash your belonging such as clothes in a hot wash.
  • Any second hand items given to you should be given a hot wash or vacuumed out before being brought into the house such as second hand furniture.
  • When staying in a hotel  use a flash light to check the mattress and bed frame for signs of bed bugs
  • Check your mattress for dark spots which are the perfect sign of an infestation
  • Vacuum your home regularly

If you have any questions at all please contact Pro Pest Control Avondale for free help at 623-300-1342.



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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Bee Swarms in Arizona

Bee Swarms in Phoenix, AZ and Avondale, AZ

Bee Swarm Avondale, AZ and Phoenix, AZIf you have lived in Arizona only a short time you are still aware of Bee Swarms in Arizona. Those who have lived in Arizona for a long time especially in Phoenix, AZ or Avondale, AZ you understand the danger of bee swarms. Most local residents of Arizona understand to avoid a swarm and call local officials.

Local fire and medical response say they receive multiple calls each week. The local responders say they are happy to assist. In all honesty it takes their time away from possibly more dangerous calls. Unfortunately most people are unaware that local pest control can handle bee swarms with their calming spray. Or in most cases can relocate the bees to move along the bee swarm. Please understand if you are not familiar with Bee Swarms it is important to understand the dangers. Killer Bees can injury and even kill a person if attacked by a large enough swarm.


Bee Swarms in the News

Recently a MLB spring training game here in Arizona was interrupted by a Bee Swarm. Players were instructed to dive to the ground and lay as flat as possible. It is recommended to be as motionless as possible when dealing with Killer Bees. If you were to stumble upon a bee swarm it is recommended to back away as slowly as possible. You might even want to notify those around the area and contact a professional pest control company.

Bee Hive Removal

The professionals at Pro Pest Control Avondale are trained in bee hive removal and relocation. It is our company practice to save as much nature as possible. If we can relocate a bee hive to a safe location for residents and the bees we will do so. Protecting the community and animals of Avondale, AZ is our highest priority.


The post Bee Swarms in Arizona appeared first on Pro Pest Control Avondale.